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Lesson 3 - Gradients and Lighting
Added on: Mon Oct 09 2000
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The next thing you probably need to do is to refine the color in some places. The Water tool makes the colors 'flat'. Black becomes lighter and light colors become darker. If you had continued to use the Water for aloooong time the image would end up being completely gray! Look at the right side shadow in apple painting above... It has become lighter. Also, the light area on the left side has become darker.

2. Select the Airbrush tool and draw new colors where needed

Include details with the Airbrush tool

The apple is really a challenge to draw. It's covered with a very detailed texture and its skin is slightly reflective. The apple was photographed on a white paper which makes the light bounce off the paper and further illuminate the apple from below. This bouncing light is hard to predict and the reflective nature of the apple makes it even harder. Luckily, this does not show much in our apple photo. The effect is only visible on a small
part of the shadow side of the apple bottom.

The apple painting with Airbrush details

Select the Water tool and smooth out the new Airbrush strokes. Also draw the branch's color with the Airbrush.
Use the Water tool and the Airbrush back and forth till you got something like the image below.

[Tip] Sometimes it seem impossible to get certain areas smooth with the Water tool. Try turning up the Water tool size to 100(!) and paint very carefully in the trouble area. That should get it smooth at least :-)

Apple painting after Water/ Airbrush tweaking

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