Lesson 3 - Gradients and Lighting Added on: Mon Oct 09 2000 |
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Preparation (cont.)
Open the blurred apple photo you just saved in Painter classic. Also open the apple sketch you created in Lesson 2 (or download mine by right clicking on it and selecting "Save As"). Arrange your workspace in Painter Classic so that you can see both the Sketch and the Photo at the same time.

Painter classic with sketch and photo.
Blocking Out Main Colors
The point with this step is to fill our apple with some main colors. I use only 4 to 6 colors for this, and I am really rough with the strokes. The image below show how my apple looked when I was done with this step.

the apple with main colors in place
Select the Airbrush tool and set the variant to Medium Stroke. Check that settings are the following in the controls palette: Size: 20, Opacity: 23%, Grain: 32%.
[Note] Keep in mind that there are no rules on how to paint. Use a bigger/smaller/more opaque airbrush if you want to, the numbers in this lesson are only meant as a guide.
Fill your sketch with colors like I have done in the image above. Start with the shadow on the right side of the apple, select a very dark gray (around RGB:016,016,016) and paint in the shadow as you see it in the apple photo. Continue with a dark gray, gray and light gray. For the brightest part of the apple (the left part) just let the background show through. Also leave the branch untouched.
[Tip] Since we are painting on a gray background you can let the background show through in some areas. In general I chose my background color based on the average lightness of the final image. If the final image will be very dark I usually go for a a very dark or black gray. I never use white as a background. After awhile looking at white your eyes will be 'blinded' and less sensitive to other colors (temporary of course!).