Lesson 4 - Colour and Highlights Added on: Sat Jan 06 2001 |
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The green color I have in my painting is maybe a little too saturated I think, but as you can see from the images below; Some people have seriously weird eyes !! :-0

Different eyes in different lightning.
Next up is the eyelashes. I don't know if girls naturally have longer eyelashes than men, but at least it seems to be no stop in they're lust for more and longer eyelashes. Anyway, in a painting I paint male eyelashes short and thin(and more transparent) while I add more length and opacity to females.
On the technical side hair can be a problem to draw. With eyelashes you have the possibility of drawing every single strand individual, because there aren't that many of them (as opposed to hair on other parts of the body). When doing the lashes in our painting below, I quickly discovered that it looked the best when I did each strand in one fast, continuous stroke.
This is in it self not so difficult to do, but I also wanted the strands to (like real eyelashes) taper at the end. This is indeed very difficult to do I think, as you have to release the pressure at the end of each stroke.
I'm not that happy with the hairs I did in the painting below, but its good enough I guess. Again notice that the hairs on the lower eyelid are shorter, thinner and they aren't as dense as the ones in the eyelid. Also be aware that the strands on the
left (outer eye corner) appears to be longer than the others. This is not true, but it looks that way because the strands in this area is seen more from the side than the ones in center of the lid. This is of course nothing strange, just a result of perspective. In the same context the strands in the center of the lid will appear almost invisible from a front angle of view.