Lesson 4 - Colour and Highlights Added on: Sat Jan 06 2001 |
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Block of midtones and shadow (cont.)
Block in the midtone and shadow values with the Airbrush. Look at my image below as an example. I'm trying, looking at the reference photo, to seperate the shadow and midtones with rough strokes. We will not paint the water drops before later in this lesson.

Midtone and shadow colors blocked in Smooth away with the Water tool, variant 'Just add water'.

Paint in the midtone and shadow to the leafs. Remember lightning is coming from right. That makes midtone on right and shadow on the left side of the leafs. You probably want to zoom in when doing this. To further illustrate the translucency of the tomato skin, I added a stroke of very saturated red to the area between the light/shadow area. Also notice the reflections on the side and top of the tomatoes. My office has yellow walls, causing a orange-brown reflection on the tomatoes.

More midtone colors added. Midtone and shadow added to the leafs. Orange reflection painted roughly.
Smooth the new colors with the Water tool. Even though I'm jumping fast from step to step here, know that it took me quite some time to get the gradients on the tomatoes right. A tip can be to start with a small size Water tool and finsih with a bigger one.

More smoothed...