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Lesson 4 - Colour and Highlights
Added on: Sat Jan 06 2001
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I think I added too much wrinkles so I removed the lowest wrinkle (I simply used the water tool to smooth it away) If I had painted this image at full detail from the start an error like this would have been more difficult to fix.

And smoothed out again


At this point I'm starting to add detail. I did some fine lines with the airbrush to simulate the fine wrinkles in the skin.

I removed one of the wrinkles and added small skin details...and smoothed a bit more

Continue with the small skin details. Also add a dark line to the eyelid. This will form the base for the eyelashes.

...more skin details

Next start working some more on the iris, which has a unique pattern for every human being. I added some dark green/ black pattern that spreads from the pupil outwards, to the edge of the iris. There is also a light green/ yellow pattern.
I painted the yellows more intense at the bottom part of the iris because this is the area that catches the most light (if we continue to imagine our light source to be in front and above the eye).

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