Lesson 4 - Colour and Highlights Added on: Sat Jan 06 2001 |
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Another thing, I noticed that I had painted the left tomato too bright according to the reference photo.

Left: Added more shadow to the left tomato, Right: Smoothed
Wacom Hero
If you missed the water in the previous steps, you probably get too much of it now. I painted over 100 water drops, but there is probably more than 200 of them in the reference photo. They were quite fun to begin with, but seriously, after a while I got pretty fed up with them. The result was quite satisfactory though because the drops add a lot of detail to the painting.
I was uncertain on how I should go about painting the drops to begin with, but after studying the reference photo I found an OK way to paint them. See the images serie below. This was how I ended up painting the majority of the drops.

Start with a Airbrush and a yellow/ orange tone. This color comes from the environment I photographed the tomtoes in.
Use the Water to smooth your Airbrush strokes.
Use the Airbrush again. Add a darker color to the side of the drop that is facing the lightsource (this will be to the right in our tomato painting) Also paint a dark edge to the drop.