Introducution to Polygonal Modeling Added on: Sun Aug 20 2000 |
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Greedy Vertice's: My term for these is self reliant vertice's. Though I'm sure this term probably is incorrect and doesn't even suit the name, somehow it's stuck with me. What they are but are greedy vertice's.
Vertice's that hog a lot of faces, and if you leave them in, when you move that one vertice it will be effecting a large area of the mesh, a lot more than it should.
How to spot this is easy, when you see a vertice that is in an open area such as the leg or torso and it has over six faces connected to it, where they could look and act a lot more effective if they had a few more verts in there instead of just that one greedy vert.
After that delete the vertice and place four more around it, then build all the faces around that area up again so they all connect, then move the verts out so they are back where the original vert was, and you should have a smooth and round (not pointy like before) segment of the mesh. Check the reference images below on how to spot one and how to fix it.

Though this isn't the best example I could have given it was the only one I could find on the mesh at the time of writing this segment. Usually I kill them on sight so I don't miss them or have to deal with them later.
Also the way I patched it wasn't the most effective way but it does explain how it works and how to fix them. Basically kill the greedy vert and place four or five (sometimes it's good to put one in the center of the four) around where the original vertice was and then build the faces back up.
Modeling the Head
This part usually would be a tutorial on it's own. There are hundreds of tutorials out there on facial modeling, and though they all use different techniques they are all very similar except that they use different tools to do it. Just look on 3DLuVr for some of them...

Here I will explain how to model the female face - face by face, but I will only go over what is necessary and describe how the method works, for more information
on facial modeling please check out
Underhand and Comet-Cartoons but here you will find the information necessary to model a face, just I won't go overkill on the process.
First off I recommend getting a photo or a sketch of the face and tracing over the contours of the face with splines, go over the nose, cheek bones, eyes, lips and so on. Then trace vertice's over the face, placing them at the correct points like you did with the body.
Do not put too much detail into the mesh for reasons being that
when it comes to animating you don't want to have to work with a 12,000 poly mesh, it can be extremely annoying and tedious to animate.