Introducution to Polygonal Modeling Added on: Sun Aug 20 2000 |
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At times you can build a face in between the two segments but don't do this too often since you want to weld the sides not patch it together. Move the vertice's up the model and reposition them slightly if you have to but check the other viewpoints to make sure they look good in all viewpoints.
If you move a vertice upward but not outward at all then it may go straight up and make what was a perfect torso, a very straight and thinner torso and so on. So just check whenever you move a vertice that was in a perfect place after you move it in only one axis. Dividing edges and the repositioning the vertice's is the best method of getting the right vertice's for the area.
Make sure the two sides are aligned and the side faces are exactly on top of eachother. Attach the two meshes together if you haven't already. Now select all of the middle vertice's and select the most appropriate value for the weld threshold. Weld the two sides together, and then check through the model to make sure there are no seams that didn't get sewed.
Getting messy
Now you should have a complete half of the body done. Before continuing on I will briefly discuss how to clean up the model and hide the middle edges of the model so the meshsmooth is more effective and clean. This is a very important step in the modeling process and though it is easy to do it is important that you understand it.

Though I will not get into technical terms on why to hide edges on your model. Basically you will be using mesh smooth later on to create a more complex final model, and when it comes to meshsmooth it relies on the polygons to be quad faces not tri faces, or else it will testillate and create a really ugly situation on your mesh.
As shown below all spheres in the image are exact except that the two on the right have their edges unhidden. Because of this when meshsmooth is applied the faces go out of whack instead of refining the detail of the mesh as standard quad faces.

What happens is that instead of smoothing over an entire quad face, it smoothes in between the edge, and reshapes the face as you can see below. The final outcome is a lot more sharper look that doesn't 'flow' over the mesh as an ever smoothing shape, but instead makes it sharp and pointy in some areas and in long term doesn't deform or animate properly. Of course that's just skimming the surface!
Just remember to always hide the edges. To do this you go to the edge level and select the edge in-between two faces and click 'invisible'. Easy.