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Introducution to Polygonal Modeling
Added on: Sun Aug 20 2000
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For the fingers, the fingernails are straightforward to create. Divide the edge that is second from the tip of the finger, and then turn one of the resultant edges to produce a V, with its point on the edge that was just divided. Divide those two edges that make the V, and you will end up with the formation shown.

Select the two triangles as shown, and extrude these by 0.01, effectively almost no distance. Then scale these two triangles by about 85%. Also, move them into the finger just a tiny bit.

Extrude it again, by 1.0 or some distance, and move the face in and out until it appears just about level with the rest of the finger. Taking the two vertices on these triangles that are closest to the tip of the finger, move them outward past the tip of the finger to give the fingernail the desired length.

Here is the normal, and meshsmoothed fingernail. Its not perfect by nay stretch of the imagination, but it gives it enough realism for a passing shot, and also provides a cleanish base for any more work to be done on it.


At this point, the hand had all the necessary elements to become a decent hand, but as always, things just needed a little changed. After a short time moving vertices about, the hand below was the final result.

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