Introducution to Polygonal Modeling Added on: Sun Aug 20 2000 |
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The face requires a LARGE amount of detail in the facial area but not as much in the back of the head due to it not requiring facial expressions. It. s always a good idea when modeling the head to put in a lot of detail but not too much, put in the amount it needs to look realistic but don. t overdo it or else it will be VERY hard to animate later on.

From the two pictures (left and right) you can see areas of the face I have outlined in red. These areas are curves and areas that you should visualize on your face when you're
modeling it, such as the lips, cheek bones, chin, the detail around the eyes ect.
You need to put these areas into the model or else when it comes to animating the model there won't be faces in the right places so that it can talk and demonstrate facial expressions successfully.
The eyes and the lips require the most detail since they are the parts that
will be stretching and deforming frequently but all of the face moves and deforms as this
is happening, the temple/forehead is the only area which doesn't require as much detail, but from the eyebrows down you need to put in a lot of faces (never put in too many, it's quite tedious animating a face with 12,000 poly's (before a meshsmooth!) faces never need that many faces and if your face does have too many begin welding and collapsing the vertices right away so that you have a smooth and realistic but still efficient face.
Another method of adding extra detail is to select the faces and use meshsmooth on these specific faces and adjust the iterations so you get the amount of detail you want without getting your hands too dirty with edge divide.
Once you have placed the outline of the body spline, the front spline and the back spline hide all of the splines but the outline spline. Here comes the modeling part finally.