Introducution to Polygonal Modeling Added on: Sun Aug 20 2000 |
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The back of the body
Once you have completed the front of the body, hide the front spline, change the front viewpoint to the back viewpoint (hotkey "K") and unhide the back viewpoint spline. Begin going through the same procedures as before, tracing around the spline (if you had refined the body it is best to use the front part of the mesh as reference instead of the spline since it will need to match up with it when you go to stitch it).
Trace around the butt, put the detail in like the spine and shoulder blades and go through all of the procedures required for the front. Check to see if your vertice's in the back model are aligned with the front one, meaning the back leg vertice's all match the same height as the front ones since when the model is complete you will need to weld the vertice's together and you can't if they aren't on top of eachother.
Don't worry if you've added a bit of extra detail to the back model that the front one doesn't have, you can divide edges of the front one and manipulate the vertice's so that they match later on when they're complete before the weld, usually aligning the two parts of the body together is a messy procedure at times and always requires some vertice's to be sacrificed and new ones to be spawned.
Once you have created the back half of the body, check in the side viewpoint that the whole model looks accurate and realistic and that it isn't too fat or thin in some areas. Move the vertice's around until they all look right in the side viewpoint. Once the model is perfect, it's time to sew it up.
Sewing the body together
Now is a good time to save your work (I recommend saving frequently, and enabling 'increment on save' since it makes saving less of a hassle and you can go back to an earlier version easily if you stuff up along the way). Sewing the two body segments together can be quite tedious to do but it's necessary.

Before you can weld the vertice's together you have to make sure there are enough vertice's on the other mesh in the right areas so that it can weld, if you don't then you will have areas of the mesh that aren't stitched since it doesn't have a target to stitch too you will have problems.
Often when modeling the front then the back you will run into the problem of adding detail into certain areas that the other segment doesn't have, then if you sew it together you end up with a lot of still open areas since those vertice's don't have a companion vertice to weld to.
To fix this problem you have to get your hands dirty and go through removing vertice's and adding more in different areas. Go to the edge of the mesh where there are unmatching vertice's and refine the edges, sometimes there are vertice's that don't HAVE to be there and you can weld them to another vertice.