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Afterburn: An Introduction
Added on: Thu Mar 01 2001
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Noise Shape Parameters

Gain & Bias: These two controls work hand in hand like brightness and contrast on a fractal pattern to make them brighter, darker, more washed out or sharper ect.

Type: Turbulence, fractal bleh bleh bleh. This area basically contains various different procedural patterns which you can use to form the shape and texture of the volumetrics.

Density falloff by radius: Linier falls directly off, whereas the cubic one kind of has a zig zag falloff.

Noise Animation Parameters

Density: Density controls how dense or thick the volumetric particles are.

Noise Size: Noise size controls how large the noise pattern is, whether it's really small and finely detailed or big round soft and puffy with hardly any detail ect.

Noise Levels: This controls how much detail and refinement goes into the iterations of the fractal detail, basically how sharp it is, the higher this value the slower it'll render.

High threshold/Low threshold: This is like any other fractal pattern, instead of having black and white and 253 or 255 greys inbetween this allows it to use less colours
making more of the darker greys black and the whiter greys white. You can crank these both up and down until it's left with a black and white image if you want. This is good for making things more solid in colour oposed to simplistic and continuous.

Vertical Stretch: Stretches the polygons inward making them thinner but taller.

Phase: This will phase and animate through a fractal pattern making it cycle and move with cyclic motion if you animate the phase. Unlike with noise materials, you should animate the noise value itself but instead set a high and low value so it cycles up slowly through it.

Motion Drag: This will slow down the actual noise so you can make the noise move slower than the particles that are pushing it.

Mball effect: This makes the metaballs smoother if you are using a metaball surface.

Local noise: This locks the noise to the particle but when it's off it moves through the world space.

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