Afterburn: An Introduction Added on: Thu Mar 01 2001 |
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Daemons (continued.)
Global wind makes the wind all get effected globally, all the volumetrics will be effected the same, whereas local controls it a bit better, such as closer it is is effected more ect. just like a falloff. Local renders slower due to individual calculation. Icon size just controls the icon in the view, how big it looks in a wireframe, it doesn't actually effect the volumetrics at all.
The sucker daemon essentially sucks the density away from the volumetrics based on it's distance from the sucker daemon.
Size effects the area that is effected. Fallof tells the effect to wear off further away the volumetrics are from the icon, keep in mind the daemon only effects what's inside of the icon.
Shape allows you to choose the shape from a rectangle, a circle and a sphere.
Global and local do the same old thing, global effects everything from the center of the icon, local effects everything on each individual volumetric particle. Kill noise 'normal' effects it normally, whereas inverted kills the noise backwards.
Swirl swirls the volumetrics. Kind of like a hurricane or the top of a twister. It twists the volumetrics in a soft nice continuous effect.
Strength controls how much swirl is involved, decay allows it to 'falloff' based on distance from the center.
Radius controls the radius of the daemons effect range. And as per usual global and local do their thing.
Explode is a bit more advanced than the other daemons, in future I'll really get into this daemon since there's a limitless amount of effects you can do with this. First of all, keep in mind explode only works with the raymarcher shader, the others won't work
with it. Explode allows you to colour areas within the volumetrics, so you can do anything from ashe plumes.. to firey explosions.
There's a gradient ramp which control the colour and density of the explode daemon, which you can use to control the look of the daemon effect.
Key shift with age is below that, which is an AFC controller, this controls where the colours go from the outer area to the center over time. The one below that 'multiplier' controls how intense the colours are from life to death.
Preturbation preturbs the sampling point removing any regularity from the noise. Scale controls the scale of the preturbation and amount controls how much noise is applied whereas levels controls the amount of detail that goes into the noise pattern, which will
cause rendering times to be slower the higher it is, but the quality will be more refined, you won't really need mroe than 1.5 unless you go super up close to it.
Limits - size controls the size of the falloff basically, and regularity tells the falloff to basically tell the volumetrics to go back to normal as they die off.
VMAP is a daemon which allows you to use procedural maps in your volumetrics. As the manual says, go to the enviroment panel and bring the noise levels down to 0.0 so it doesn't bother calculating them and juse uses the procedurals instead.
You can also adjust the scale of the proedural map within the deamon oposed to the material editor via 'map scale'.
Well this is only the basic Afterburn UI tutorial, hopefully this will hold your hand in going through what does what within Afterburn. Now that I have this covered I'll continue to go through later on and show you guys in detail how to make anything from giant puffy dense clouds to pyro explosions, or thin steam or smoke, avalanches or lava oozing down a hill, stay tuned!