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Afterburn: An Introduction
Added on: Thu Mar 01 2001
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The preview window consists of a few basic buttons. The first up is up the top right which is called update. Update is a button that can be turned on or off, when on it will automatically rerender the preview image whenever any changes are made to Afterburn.

And when off it doesn't make any updates, which is where the button below it comes into play. Refresh refreshes the preview image, this is there so you can manually refresh the view. The one below this is a bunch of coloured pixels, which represents a 'background'
so you can put a background on your preview view so therefore you can see how transparent it is ect. which is hard to tell on a black viewport.
The button before that is draft mode which is a lower res version which quickly updates but isn't as detailed.

There are two colours below which control the colour of the light being applied, and the background colour.

Below the actual image view is a little bar, which is your time slider so you can look at the animation of this, below that is a bunch of VCR controls as well as a render to file button which is the one with the giant dot over the disk and film strip icon.
This allows you to save your animation to disk to view at a later date or in real time. The render from file icon to the far bottom right is for viewing avi's within max.


Daemons essentially are like space warps. Space warps are designed for specific things such as dynamics, particles or objects. They're do they're own little individual thing they're designed to do and will only effect the objects they're bound to.
Daemons are exactly like this, but instead of being for objects or particles, they're for volumetrics. They'll effect the look of the actual volumetrics and the inside motion of it. They're located in the helpers panel under Afterburn daemons.

First up is wind, wind effects the volumetrics the same way wind does. It pushes the noise pattern in the direction of the wind, making it smoothly push the volumetrics away, although it doesn't effect the actual position of the particles, only the volumetrics
fractal noise pattern.

Stength controls how soft or strong the winds will be, decay tells the wind only to effect a radius, so as the volumetrics leave a certain distance from the wind they'll slow back down to whatever force is driving them.

Planar and sphereical control the shape of it, whether it goes in every direction or if it's planar it'll be directional. Keep in mind that spherical wind
can sometimes screw with the noise a bit, so it mightn't be the best move to use spherical wind, just be cautious.

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