Afterburn: An Introduction Added on: Thu Mar 01 2001 |
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Rendering Type
Here you have ray marcher, octane shader and hypersolids.
Ray marcher is where you want to go for 3D big volumetrics stuff, it's essentially a lot slower than octane, but is the "quality" volumetric renderer type.
Octane shader: This one doesn't have the depth and complexity of the raymarcher but renders a LOT quicker. It still can do some great quality renders, I use it a lot for doing smoke and mist, explosions and thin clouds, and steam ect.
The advantages of this shader is tbecause it is a lot quicker than the raymarcher, you can have larger amounts of particles in your scene. *note* you can't use the lambert or phong shading on the octane shader.
Hypersolids: This is what you want for 3D flat metaballs or rocky terrain or any polygon like surface you want to create with Afterburn. Essentially it isn't like the other two, more used for organically forming surfaces from particles.
Shadow Tracing

Shadow samples: Shadow samples is just like normal max samples, it's the amount of samples/detail/cpu cycles it puts into calculating nice shadows, the higher the value the slower it'll take to render, but the more scrisp and sharp it'll be, whereas the lower it is the quicker it'll render but be inaccurate. Although the shadows will be softer as well. default value is usually a good value.
Shadows falloff: This just controls how light or dark the shadows are when they hit the surface, kind of the way Afterburn fall-off works, making it dense or soft.
Shadow limit: This tells AB to stop calculating shadows after a while, when you're soft Afterburn clouds or volumetrics use higher values, but when doing more solid volumetrics that are very dense use lower values.
Shadow opacity: This is the real deal when adjusting the density of the shadows, adjusting this makes the shadows transparent or more dark and dense.
Shadow cast: This causes Afterurn volumetrics to cast shadows
Shadows rec: This causes Afterburn to receive shadows casted from other objects
Self Shadows: This option tells Afterburn to cast and receive shadows onto itself. So when a cloud is above another blocking light it'll cast a shadow onto the lower cloud ect. This is pretty much a necessisity for any realistic volumetrics within afterburn.
Coloured Shadows: This option allows you to cast coloured shadows insted of standard black. This is useful when dealing with volumetrics and volumetric lighting ect.