Afterburn: An Introduction Added on: Thu Mar 01 2001 |
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If you want to remove these particles later on, just click on the remove button and they'll be removed from Afterburn. If you want to add lights to illuminate the volumetrics, click on the 'pick..' button next to source lights and once again it'll turn green and only allow you to select only lights. This is where you can select the light(s) you want to put into Afterburn's manager.

If you render your scene with just that it should come out looking fairly ugly, by turning on cast shadows on your light it should look a tiny bit better since it won't be as opaque and flat, but still nothing pretty to look at. One thing to consider is going down to shadow parameters and under the shadows on checkbox there's a drop down menu which is probably on shadow map right now.
Click on it and bring it down to AB shadow map. These shadows are more friendly and efficient towards Afterburn and casting and receiving shadows on AB surfaces. You can also use AB raytraced shadows, although rendering times will multiply.
