DTI3D - A journey through three dimensions Added on: Tue Sep 25 2001 |
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However, the technology which drives the advancement of monitor technology has not changed much in the CRT world.
The general technology that CRT's use, is to beam a large amount of energy from a large electron gun, into some poor defenseless phosphors, to get them all excited, so that your porn pipe can successfully display on the screen. This is akin to dentists using steel bladed tools to cut�I mean clean your teeth. Basically a brute force approach.
Currently there are two main types of CRT technologies available. One involves thin wires and the other involves a metal cage.
Aperture Grill Vs Shadow Mask
Even today the battle rages on between these two unweilding technologies. The first, Invar Shadow Mask, makes use of a heat resistant metal sheet, (No you can't mount your cpu to it.) which has holes punched through it, allowing light to pass through and backhand the phosphors. It is the phosphors (red, green, and blue) which form the colors and images which you try and hide from your wife. These holes in the Shadow Mask are evenly distributed and allow for sharp crisp images as long as you don't dump your monitor in maple syrup.. The other side of the CRT techno fest are Aperture Grills (Trinitron).

These trouble starters use a different method of achieving the same effect. Instead of punched holes, vertical lines are used to control the light flow. This is akin to using your blinds to let light into your room so that its easier to spy on the neighbors. These lines are held together by one or two thin damper wires in a similar manner to suspenders.
The damper wires prevent vibration ( I heard this resulted in lower sales among the female market) and allow the screen to display very bright and colorful images.
Both these technologies usually result in crisp clean images. (As long as the monitor is plugged in). The differences between the two arise when you start heated arguments on the forums about which one is better. Most people argue for the fantastic color reproduction of Trinitron technology, while others argue that the two damper wires are so #$#@$ annoying its not worth the more vibrant colors. Now while these two sisters were having a cat fight, a younger sibling snuck in and started creating a whole new ruckus.
Liquid Crystal Loving (LCD's for Size Freaks)
Suddenly out of the blue a new technology emerges. Actually this is a false statement. They've been around for quite some time, only far too expensive and costly for even the riches of Artists. But now with a new improved look and price tag, the Liquid Crystal Display had arrived, forever changing children everywhere.

LCD's use the molecular properties of Liquid Crystals to determine the amount of light which passes through them.
Pimped out with a cylindrical body, these crystals are the core of this technology. Adjusting this Crystals occurs through the use of polarizes, thin film transistors (TFT's), and a variety of other methods. A back light supplies the visual
radiation which excites the whole process into a giant techno slam fest. The TFT's control the voltage to the cylindrical crystals. This voltage in turn determines how much the cylinders distort. If they twist completely it will block the incoming light, if they remain rigid all the light pimps on through.