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DTI3D - A journey through three dimensions
Added on: Tue Sep 25 2001
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I was so excited about the display I immediately jumped into using it. Being a 3dsmax user I immediately started trying to install the stereo drivers in Windows 2000. Failure. Ug. It seems that it's a limitation of nvidia's drivers that they only function in a windows 98 environment. Luckily I had just installed windows 2000 (I always do clean installs for any review, Yes I have lots of time, yes I know I could do that, ok ok I know, jeez is this your review or mine?)

So I grumbled a bit and tested the display under windows 2000 before dredging into a Windows 9X environment.

Windows 2000

Under Windows 2000 I tested a variety of applications. 3DSMAX R4, Maya 3 (Demo), and XSI 1.5 (Demo). Each application I looked at both for the 2D quality and the 3D effects. For the most part the 2D effects were very sharp, easy to read the text, and good graphic reproduction. As with most LCD's it has a bit of trouble displaying video and DVD where some artificating is present due to pixel refresh. The artificating is not detrimental to the display, as its not very pronounced.
The 3D effects were another story...

When going into 3D mode sometimes the effect was very pronounced, sometimes barely noticeable. The one thing that immediately comes to mind is what happens to readability while in 3D mode. It blurs the heck outta text, makes it nearly impossible to navigate through a group of rollouts while in 3D mode. Spinning the models around is pretty impressive for awhile, but its nearly impossible to work while in 3D mode due to the blurring which occurs from splitting the image into odd and even columns.

Luckily DTI included a quick 3d on/off switch on the monitor so that you can quickly switch between modes. Very useful for presenting a scene or model to a client or lead animator for critique. The wow factor is something that must be experienced.
The display performed identically in all three applications. After thoroughly testing in Windows 2000, I bit my lip and prepared to install Windows 98.

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