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DTI3D - A journey through three dimensions
Added on: Tue Sep 25 2001
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DTI's LCD 3D Display (Finally it's the review part!)

With LCD's beginning to take the market by storm with greatly reduced prices and feature sets, one company is outdoing themselves by attacking new ground in the realm of 2D displays. They're getting 6 inches out of 3D.

I was lucky enough to receive on of DTI's 3D LCD's courtesy of Mike Doolin, for a 3DLuVr review. This review has been delayed a half a million time, and I thank Dimension Technologies Inc. for their patience and generosity in giving me the chance to review such an innovative display.

This display is a preproduction model and was sent out to a variety of reviewers who made its existence public and provided valuable feedback on the features and possible future changes of the display.
As such this review should be seen as an technology preview more then a final review. However because this is 3DLuVr's first major review, we aren't going to hold back any punches so that the community is made aware of what this monitor offers and what its possible fallbacks (if not fixed) will be.

The Arrival (No not the movie, the LCD)

The package arrived in a brown container with a nice carrying handle.

I of course being very excited tried to tear into the package with my hands and was quickly met with a lot of resistance.
Staples, black packaging lines and tape held back my fervor. Quickly rebounding with some scissors I tore open the package to find�.

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