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Making of D'ni Firemarble Holder
Added on: Sun Dec 31 2000
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That's it, modeling over! If what you have looks *anything* like Fig 13, you've done what few have ever managed -- actually made sense of my ramblings! Congratulations!


Man, this thing looks lonely... Time for some scenery.

This is where I pilfer Neil's work and claim it for my own ;))

OK, scenery is a bit strong for what we're actually going to do -- as Neil showed, for many scenes, less is more. The basic setup is designed to show off nice reflections in glass. Neil made an 'L' shaped backdrop with a self-illuminated black-to-white gradient, a few self-illuminated white panels scattered around, and two Omni lights in a black environment (Fig 14).


I added a few things to this to make it work better for my scene. I kept all Neil's original stuff, added one Omni light and one plane, and changed the Environment to a bitmap. I tend to do things a little differently in that I don't use a real 'floor' surface for many pics; what you see is the environment map and some shadows cast onto an invisible plane with a 'Matte/Shadow' material added.
I did this for my Doggy, Dirty Microscope, Watch, and Dirty Gun pictures. The effect looks like a solid surface while providing smooth reflection transitions without inconvenient reflection breaks.

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