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Animated Water/Sea
Added on: Sat Dec 14 2002
Page: 1 2 3 4 6 7 8 9 10 11 

Now you can play the animation and see the waves moving, the lights also plays an important part here, so please create two omni lights in your scene with the following parameters

Omni A, multiplier: 0.3 the rest should be default

Omni B, multiplier: 0.1, the color for this light will be: R:255, G:224, B:183, cast shadows "on" and light locations are like the image below:

This concludes the first part of this tutorial, for the next part I'll need all your attention since we´re going to proceed with the material which is the most important part of all this.

So if you are a little sleepy, grab a coffee cup; for the next part I do not recommend the beer, but I'm not your mom so do what you want.
Important: (you will need the next image to make your scene looks like the one in the video; if u want you can replace it with another of your preference)

The material consist of 3 blend materials that make the final one, so go to the material editor and select the first standard material and make it a "blend" material like the image below: (it will ask you a question, tell it to discard). We are going to name this material "BASE 1".

There we have two materials to blend and a mask:

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