Animated Water/Sea Added on: Sat Dec 14 2002 |
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Click twice the "go to parent" button and go into the "mask" options of your blend material; there we are going to change the smoke phase values, too.
Move to the first frame of your animation again and change the phase value to 0.0 ; then move to the final frame of your animation and change tha phase value to 1.0 Turn off the animate button and that�s it, if you make a preview for your material it should look like the following movie material_a.avi
This first "blend" material is the base of the whole material; the other two blend materials are just to increase the realism on motion and color. To create the second blend material, pick a new standard material and turn it to blend material; when you do this it will ask you a question, tell it to discard.

Rename the material to "base 2". The next step is to copy our "base 1" material into the "material 1" slot - just drag it! A window will appear, tell it to make an instance.
Your "base 2" material should look like this:

Now for the "material 2" we are going to create a new material. Click the material 2 button; there we are going to have a standard blinn shader, (call it: white) and just go to the "maps" slot and click the difuse color map and tell it to be "falloff".
