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Interview with Maciej Kuciara
Added on: Fri Jul 16 2004
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2 hour speed painting

3dluvr: What is your preferred medium?

I love working with my Wacom tablet, along with Photoshop it is a very powerful tool.  Every now and again I have to get back to my traditional tools though, I can't go more than a month without at least a pencil sketch.

3dluvr: Do you still paint traditionally?

I still use watercolors and acryllics for personal work, but for professional work I mostly concentrate on the tablet.

3dluvr: Did you ever go to art school?

Nope, and I can't even explain why, maybe it is because I applied to the university before I had discovered my passion for CG. Regardless, I am now enrolled at the Technical University of Gdansk, and I am rather happy there.  I can balance my passion for art while calculating high voltage networks and writing programs. I find it enjoyable, and it is something to fall back on.

3dluvr: Do you feel that art school is important?

Even though I am not studying art, I think that art school is important.  People can learn quite alot about technique while in art school.  But in my opinion, even if art school can teach you how to paint, it cannot teach you how to be good.  That is up to the artist, and talent is still 80% of the formula.

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