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Interview with Maciej Kuciara
Added on: Fri Jul 16 2004
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3dluvr: When working in a particular genre, do you ever feel limited by other peoples expectations of what a certain character or design should look like?  We have developed fairly strong ideas of what a dwarf should look like, or a science fiction robot.  How much does this concern effect your design choices, if at all?

I try to break the mold whenever I can, I think it is important to do things in your own style, at least for personal work.  While some subjects are restrictive, I try to give people what they expect to see, but I also make sure to add my own spin on it.  I find that giving a painting that little extra touch leads to a more satisfied client.

3dluvr: Out of all the work you've done, which are you the most proud of?

Journey in Finding the Lost Mushroom.  The painting with the longest name and the longest background.  Although it wasn't rendered perfectly, it has gotten alot of recognition from fans and a few prestigious prizes, such as CG Choice and a place in the Golden Gallery.

3dluvr:  What is the story behind Journey?

Journey In Finding The Lost MushroomThe story behind Journey is a crazy novel I wrote a few years ago.  It's about a little bearded imp, Xyntex, who journeys with his elf friends to find the lost mushroom, a mushroom that would save his 100-mile forest and chocolate garden from the evil of a dark princess ( I can't remember her name at the moment).  This painting shows one of the scenes from the story, a trip through the open plains, while two of the princess' henchmen, the "Pipecats" trail Xyntex' every step. 
I enjoyed every minute of painting this.

3dluvr: Could you explain in a few word your method for painting this image.

Tigers Eye

I started with mid-tone colors for the whole picture. I learned this technique from a Ron Lemens tutorial, which I highly recommend for young artists.  Then I rendered each detail step by step, not focusing on any single part of the painting, but the image as a whole.  Pretty much what I had described earlier.

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