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Interview with Maciej Kuciara
Added on: Fri Jul 16 2004
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3dluvr: What would you like to see more of from young artists?

I would like to see young artists experiment with their own style more. I have caught myself in the past getting too inspired by another persons work and mimic-ing their style too much.  Every artist should have his/her own way of painting.

3dluvr: What don't you like about the professional art field?

Speed PaintDeadlines of course!  But seriously, commercial work doesn't always give you alot of room for creativity, but you have to do what the client wants, as quickly and as efficiently as possible. It can get very boring.  But, I feel that the good far outweigh the bad in this field, and there is nothing that I would rather do.

3dluvr: Do you usually feel challenged by your professional projects?

Any new project, professional or not is always a challenge. I love proving to myself that I can outdo my previous work with every project.  Depending on the subject of the project it isn't always easy to do, but the harder the challenge, the better the experience.

3dluvr: Do you still feel an emotional connection to your work?

Certainly, some of my paintings were like candies that I had to eat in large portions.  It really depends on the subject matter of the project though.  When I feel motivated and inspired by a project, I cant stop until its done, and I put my heart into the painting.

3dluvr: Are you available for freelance work?

Yes. I am available for freelance, it is my bread and butter. You can contact me at

3dluvr: Where would you like to be in 5 years?

In a small and quiet village, near the sea, I really enjoy relaxing near nature.

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