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Interview with Maciej Kuciara
Added on: Fri Jul 16 2004
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3dluvr: Where do you find your inspiration?

More Fantasy

Almost anywhere. Books, life, music, television.  I really enjoy painting while listening to music, such as Archive and Clannad. I also think that the work of other artists can really help to inspire as well. Graphics communities such as Sijun and 3dluvr are great for that.

3dluvr: What artists inspire you? Describe what it is about their work that speaks to you.A beautiful fantasy image

Craig Mullins (he inspires everybody), Dusso, Dylan Cole. The list could go on forever, but those are at the top.  They have inspired me to take up matte painting.  I am also greatly inspired by Spooge. His style is gorgeous and every painting he does, even speed paintings put others to shame. Not only that, but every painting of his tells its own story.  Dusso and Dylan are the masters of detail, and they set the bar very high.

3dluvr: What is your favorite genre?

Gorgeous lightIt's hard to say, most of my work tends to be either fantasy or scifi, but for me the genre isn't important, as long as I care about the subject matter.  I do enjoy the more fantastical genres because I get to paint what doesn't really exist, it allows me to be more creative.

3dluvr: Describe your workflow.

I believe that the best pictures are based off of the best ideas, even a well rendered painting will be bad if the original concept wasn't good to begin with.  I spend alot of time working out the concept before I begin to paint.

Secondly it is very important to plan out the entire picture, and decide on the color scheme and mood.  Good color planning and finding the best way to express the feeling of the picture is priceless.

Details are then rendered step by step, I don't focus on a single part of the picture, instead I detail the entire painting in steps, this helps keep the tone of the painting in focus and will help you from losing the composition.

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