3dluvr: Tell us about Icons? This painting was created for the Epilogue competition. I am happy with how it came out, even though it wasnt the best conception. This was a very experimental painting, and I learned a few very quick and effective Photoshop tricks with it. The title is actually a hidden idea in the painting and I would love to hear what people think it means. 3dluvr: What was your inspiration for Icons? Arcana - Icons, the ambient music. I really recommend people hear it. 3dluvr: Your images are very color driven. Do you jump into an image knowing what your colors will be, or do you find yourself experimenting with the hue/saturation controls to find the right color scheme?
That depends on the painting. Sometimes I just strike it right at the very beginning and keep the original coloring. "Journey in finding" was painted this way. And then sometimes I have to experiment with the coloring before I move onto the details, continually working with the hue/saturation and channel sliders. This method can be very helpful in pushing an image to its highest potential sometimes. 3dluvr: Tell us about Zosia. 
Zocha is an abbreviation for the full name of the unit. In english it means: Mechanized Anti-Terrorist Destructive Unit. It was a design study and another experience with Photoshop rendering. The painting was done with the line and standard brush tools. I wanted to try to make it look as much like 3d as possible, and I have been surprised by friends asking me which 3d application it was created in. They usually figure out that it is 2d upon their second examination. 3dluvr: Zosia seems to be in a slightly different style from the rest of your work. What was your inspiration for Zosia? I wanted to try something different, and experiment with a different style. Mainly my idea was to do a clean concept design, but after a few touchups the idea turned into more of an illustration. Im happy with the outcome.