DTI3D - A journey through three dimensions Added on: Tue Sep 25 2001 |
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DTI3D's LCD Display
This time I'm proud to bring you a review courtesy of Dimension Technologies Inc.
We'll be looking at some of their new pimping 3D LCD technology. But before we dive right in (or out if you see this monitor), were going to go
into some CRT and LCD background and history.

This, much like foreplay, increases the overall satisfaction and understanding of all involved parties.
So get your beer or wine coolers and sit back and enjoy a ride back through computer hardware history.
Cathode "Death" Ray Tubes of Destruction(Or CRT for short-necks)
CRT's have no changed much in the past few years. You have your overly large 21 inch monitors, your budget conscious 19 inches, and of course the flat out broke 17 inch monitors. What do all these cathode ray tubes have in common? They're heavy, large, and beam more radiation into your skull then grandpa's old black and white TV.
With the advent of newer technology, CRT's have gotten smaller (shortneck), tighter dot pitches, and now support larger resolutions then their ancient medieval forbearers.
