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Interview with Maciej Kuciara
Added on: Fri Jul 16 2004
Page: 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 

I tawt I saw a puddy cat

3dluvr: Please introduce yourself.

My name is Maciej Kuciara,  I was born in a small polish town back in 1984. Ever since I was a kid I've had two passions, football and art. My days are spent painting, taking short trips through the boulevard, and spending time with my girl Evelyn.

3dluvr: What is your specialty?

I mostly concentrate on doing illustrations and concept art for my clients, but lately my focus has been on matte painting, as it is what I would really like to do professionally.  I love painting anything that requires a detailed rendering.

3dluvr: How long have you been doing art?

I have been doing art professionally for the past 5 years, up Tiger Cubuntil a year ago I was strictly a watercolor and acrylic artist.  My 2d CG career began in September of 2003, when I got my first graphics tablet.  It only took me a few months to become very passionate about the possibilities of CG painting and I discovered that it was what I wanted to do with my life.  I have also recently gotten into 3d graphics, learning the basics of modeling and mapping in 3ds max.  Its amazing what doors owning a tablet has opened for me.

3dluvr: Why did you become an artist?

Oh its in my blood, my late father was an avid art lover (or should I say Luvr?).  Ever since I was a child, paper and pencils have been my closest friends.  Drawing was how I spent my time and the passion continues to this day. 

As for becoming a CG artist, I must thank Tomek Baginkski and his animated short, "The Cathedral", which inspired me to look into CG.

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