Workstation Smackdown (Nvidia Quadro DCC review) Added on: Mon Feb 04 2002 |
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Texture2 (1600x1200x32 400 Frames)

Games, games and more games. This scene visually represents the type of modeling/testing one would use in the viewport when creating some type of entertainment gaming type scene. Lots of textures with a moderate amount of geometry. You can really see where the DCC takes the cake, and how much the lightspeed architecture helps the Geforce 3 line.
Texture3 (1600x1200x32 500 Frames)

Testing distortion of textures over time. Fun stuff. Try doing it a few hundred times, and you�ll begin to understand why this article took so long. Thank goodness these cards are fast, especially the DCC, otherwise I would have gone bonkers. (Remember the candy?)
Transparency (1600x1200x32 250 Frames)

Dealing with onscreen transparency and UVW maps. If you run this thing through Heidi, it will have a heart attack. Once again the DCC pulls ahead, laughing at its own siblings.