Workstation Smackdown (Nvidia Quadro DCC review) Added on: Mon Feb 04 2002 |
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WireFrame1 (1600x1200x32 300 Frames)

Wireframe. Heidi�s playground. Without optimized drivers and a unified backbuffer most of the nvidia cards can�t outdo Software Heidi. Then they�re the DCC, pimpin out a 3x performance lead. Workstation power at a budget price..gotta love it.
WireFrame2 (1600x1200x32 300 Frames)

History repeats itself, with the DCC keeping a sizable lead over the rest of the cards. Wireframe performance is very important to modelers, and this is just one of the many situations where putting down some extra $ really makes the difference.
Well now you know the performance of these accelerators within 3dsmax. It's quite obvious that the DCC is the overall winner.
But by how much? And how is the DCC effected by different settings, resolutions, and color depths? Well read on some more and you�ll find out =).