Workstation Smackdown (Nvidia Quadro DCC review) Added on: Mon Feb 04 2002 |
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Maxextreme Performance Vs Nvidia OpenGL
Viewport Dragon (1600x1200x32 100 frames)

Blasting off at the starting line like a bunch of rabid hamsters, the nvidia accelerators showcase how slow Heidi actually is. (Poor Heidi, she only asks for some love now and then). The winner is the DCC, besting all the other cards by a sizable amount.
It's important to note that this is Discreet�s flagship Max scene, and has virtually every new feature found in Max4�s viewports in it. (Multitexturing, particle effects, cool animations).
4view�s (1600x1200x32 100 frames)

Making use of all four viewports simultaneously is tricky. (Try balancing four kittens on your head, that�s tricky). Heidi isn�t too bad here, with the Quadro taking the lead again. Remember you can read more about these scenes in the previous benchmark article. (Which is why I wrote it, so this article would only be 20 pages long instead of 50)
8direct (1600x1200x32 200 frames)

Lights, Camera, Benchmark! The benchmark scene changes a bit when the lights come on. Here the increased core speed and memory bandwidth of the Ti 500 let it pull slightly ahead of the DCC.