Workstation Smackdown (Nvidia Quadro DCC review) Added on: Mon Feb 04 2002 |
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Quadro DCC Individual Benchmarks
This section is dedicated to bringing information on the Quadro DCC under a variety of circumstances, so that the end user will/can understand how the card will perform at various resolutions, color depths, driver settings, and in different API�s like D3D or OpenGL (Maxextreme is not an API for any other websites that may be reading this article).
First we�ll take a look at the DCC�s performance at 32 and 16 bit at 1600x1200. As you know many video cards, show a sizable (sometimes huge, sometimes tiny. Err�ya), variance in performance when they�re pushed.
Quadro DCC 1600x1200 32 bit vs. 16 bit Color

Color depth doesn�t seem to effect the DCC greatly. A few % change here and there, but even at 1600x1200, its got more then enough power to handle whatever is throw at it. Of special note is blitting and dualplanes, where 16 bit is significantly faster in blitting, and actually slower in dualplanes.
Since color depth doesn�t seem to effect the DCC significantly (It�s a very Politically Correct Card) , how does resolution?
Quadro DCC 1600x1200x32 vs 1280x1024x32

Dropping down a resolution does increase the DCC�s performance, but not to a great extent. This tends to point out that the DCC still has headroom at 1600x1200, and will continue to perform at higher resolutions.
All of the results so far have been with Maxextreme vs Max�s OpenGL. How does the DCC perform when its loaded with 3dsmax.exe -h and Direct3D or OpenGL is chosen instead of Maxextreme?