Workstation Smackdown (Nvidia Quadro DCC review) Added on: Mon Feb 04 2002 |
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Quadro DCC 1600x1200x32 Maxextreme vs OpenGL vs Direct3D

A lot of interesting data here. MaxExtreme is God of Max. Completely smacks everything else around. OpenGL is still quick, but feels the hit in performance in wireframe mode. Direct3d�well I sure hope Discreet fixes that someday.
These tests don�t compare stability, but I can tell you right now, Direct3D is best used in spurts. (And not the good kind)

Quadro DCC 1600x1200x32 Maxextreme Fastest vs Quality Settings

Depending on the situation (as seen in the graph) Performance varies wildly between the two settings. AA is useful in a variety of situations (See below), but will give you a 20-75% performance hit. Its good to note that without maxextreme you don�t get good AA within Max. (Maxextreme vs Normal Nvidia Drivers), another benefit the DCC has.
Quadro DCC AAoff vs. AAon Quality Settings
