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Workstation Smackdown (Nvidia Quadro DCC review)
Added on: Mon Feb 04 2002
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Dual Planes (1600x1200x32 2400 frames)

Dual Planes is used use to showcase a card�s ability to draw on multiple planes�.thus the term, Dual Planes. If a card supports this feature, it will have to work less as one object becomes concealed by another. Isn�t life wonderful? All nvidia accelerators are extremely good in this department, boosting Frames beyond mortal comprehension. (Our eyes can�t detect that many frames per second)

Geometry1 (1600x1200x32 300 frames)

And suddenly the battle is on. What happened? Somebody threw a whole lot of polygons at the viewport. How many? Around 400,000. Wait a second.
I thought these accelerators could do a few million per second? Everyone tends to forgot that�s Gross poly�s per second. (Gross as in, unlit, untextured, unshaded, bare naked pixels [no not the band])

We actually see the Geforce 2 chipset come into its own here, as its much more efficient at dealing with untextured polygons.(Situation changes when textures come into effect)

Geometry1 (1600x1200x32 300 frames)

Almost doubling the number of polygons shows how these accelerators scale. Look at that DCC go! (Around 750k poly�s in this one.
Remember kids, Viewport FPS is NOT Game FPS. You don�t have to worry about the Modifier stack fragging your ass cause you�ve got lag.)

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