Now you must loft the splines in a open loft. Figure.34 shows the details. You have open ends on the surface now. You can fix this by selecting the outer spline and use the Patch command. You must do this one side at a time or it will not work. Using the patch command you keep both surfaces editable.

You can also use the Cap command on the surface to close all planar ends. Please be aware that if you use this command you will have to explode the object using the command Explode to edit the objects surfaces.
You can now use Join to combine the surfaces, if you like. Next, you will need to Mirror the gripper over to make a claw-type look as seen in Figure 35.

In Figure.36, you can see the Vergos 10 Dig Grappler as we have completed the previous steps. You can see the idea of a strong looking mech with a heavyset base. Now we must move onto the head and finish small details such as wires.
