Now you can click and drag to your size. Use a open, straight section loft. Once lofted, you will need to patch the edge splines. (If you deleted your edge splines, you will need to redraw them to the exact size once again). Use patch with the settings that were used previously in this tutorial. You have to do this for each side. Once finished, you can now join the three surfaces using the Join command.
In Figure.44, you will see how the eyes have been positioned. You can rotate objects using the Rotate command.

Figure.45 shows the total model as we have done so far. We are almost finished. The parts left are some wires and other small details that make a difference.

Small details that make a difference
Small details can make a major difference in the way people look at your models and renders. In Figure.46, you can see a close up of the arm area with a interpolated spline. This will be used as a wire or cable near its arm region.

You can make a solid surface out of this using the Pipe tool. Access this tool by typing Pipe into the command line and pressing Enter. At the prompt for a pipe size, you can either enter a keyboard command such as a size in numbers (we have used .07 as a radius), or you can draw the radius when the size prompt is shown in the command line.