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Modeling a Mech -Vergos 10
Added on: Sat Apr 14 2001
Page: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 

Now that the wire has been finished, it must connect to something, so we will make an input for it to connect to. Figure.47 shows the polygon splines used in creating the input surface.


Use a normal, closed loft to get the surface, as seen in Figure.48. Small details such as these make a big difference in the reality of a character.


There are of course many more small details that could be added, but that would make this tutorial endless.


Rhinoceros 3D 1.0 does not support many surfacing features. For this reason, it would be wisest to surface your mech or any other creature or object in a separate application. With the release of 2.0, an open plugin interface is said to be on the list of new features to be introduced. With this may come some very interesting options.

Rhinoceros does, however, offer the use of Texture and bump maps, as well as transparency and highlight. These options are quite limited. If you need high quality renders, use applications such as 3D Studio Max, Maya, or Lightwave.
There are also many more stand-alone renders such as Pov-Ray or BMRT. Get Pov-Ray at for free. In Figure.49, you can see the final completed model.


Wrapping this up

With this tutorial coming to a close, you can see how easy it is to model a mechanical character in Rhinoceros 3D. While modeling this character, you went over many of the tools available in Rhinoceros 3D 1.0.
Working in Rhinoceros takes time and practice as with any application or anything in life in general. Keep modeling and be patient, because to some there is no greater reward or feeling than creating great computer graphics.
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