Next are the ankles of the mech. To model the ankles we will use the simplest type of loft. We will be using a polygon spline to loft with. Simply type Polygon into the command line and press Enter.
At this point in the command line it will ask how may sides you want. For this project, we will use seven sides. Type in 7 then press enter and drag your polygonal spline out. After dragging out your polygon you will now copy it in a straight line.
To do this, use the command Copy and press Shift as you drag your spline down. Figure.15 shows the polygons that we have used and copied. Now select both splines and type ShowCV into the command line.

This will show all points, or CV�s, that make up the splines. You can now edit the points by pulling them. In Figure.16, you can view our edited splines.

Now that you have completed the editing of the splines, you can now hide the points by using the command HideCV. Now loft by selecting both of your splines and type loft
into the command line. Figure.17 shows the settings that have been used as well as the output of the loft.
