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Modeling a Mech -Vergos 10
Added on: Sat Apr 14 2001
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Introduction: The Story

In the year 2030 on the distant planet of Vergos 10, natural resources have dropped to an all-time low, and mining operations are forced to go deeper than ever imagined before.
Due to the pressure of the inner earth and explosive gasses at severely low depths, iners are not able to enter the bottom of the mines. This called for a new way to mine.
Within a short amount of time, mechanical units were assembled to explore and work in the mines. Each Unit is controlled at a station above the surface in a virtual environment where the mech�s eyes become yours.

Traits of Vergos 10 Dig Grappler

Let�s check the general working conditions and the situations that this machine must endure. With all machinery, it is very heavy and has crushing strength beyond belief.
This is a mech, that works in a mine, digging, moving, crushing, and exploding the deep rock and metal within. It must be heavy and strong enough to lift thousands of pounds of material and make quick moves.
The eyes in the forehead are also equipped with heavy-duty floodlights that change themselves when they become old. Each mech weighs a minimum of 40,000 pounds (20 tons) and stands 16 feet tall. This machine will need large claws to move objects, as well as a jack hammer-type tool to break objects apart. Large feet should be made to make this heavy mech stable

Concept Sketches

Concept sketches are very important. They let you plan your creature or object out before modeling. This makes the whole process much quicker than before. You are not limited to what is in your concept sketch, and you may go back and change it later.
Many times you will create a few concept sketches and then combine certain things to plan out what you want. All in all, concept sketches are worth the time to make them.
In Figure.1 you can view the concept for the Vergos 10 Dig Grappler.

Vergos 10 concept sketch

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